

Our courses operate from the Ferrier Lodge at Temple Basin which boasts a professional chef, a licensed bar and bunkroom accommodation based on four to six persons to each room. The lodge is very comfortable with an efficient drying room and hot showers. Theory and rope skills are hosted in a specifically designed lecture theatre. Having warm and comfortable accommodation and being well fed ensures clients can maximise their learning experience. Courses are run with small ratios to ensure a personalised approach and give clients the best opportunity to learn from experienced and qualified instructors.

A free baggage lift (Temple Basin goodslift) carries your gear up 480 vertical meters for you, allowing you to enjoy an unburdened walk through the Arthurs Pass alpine environment. The lower terminal of this lift is 800m west of the Temple Basin car park along SH 73.


Temple Basin offers an accessible and diverse range of terrain for beginners to intermediate mountaineers. With its location on the main divide, clients are exposed to dramatic weather changes, variable snow conditions, exciting gully and ridge climbing with a fantastic vista over the Southern Alps. Four prominent mountains are located within the Temple Basin area, and each having it own challenges including route finding and safe terrain selection, steep alpine gully pitches, fantastic ridge traverses, and bolted rock routes. These mountains are perfect for the progression of mountaineering skills and offering a summit as an additional bonus.